
Welcome To The Mandriva Corporate Club

The Mandriva Corporate Club enhances the value of the Mandriva Linux distribution for enterprise and corporate users. The Mandriva Corporate Club brings you convenient access to the Mandriva enterprise software products.

  • Corporate club is also available for Mandriva partners. There are two possibilities:
    • "Mirror" option : (single site for multiple products)
    • "Codes" option : (multiple sites for single products)

Mandriva Enterprise and Medium Business Users

Five Year Enterprise Solutions - Flexible Pricing
The Mandriva Corporate Club is the enterprise solution to provide access to Mandriva's industry leading technology, without locking you into a particular product. At some quantity levels, Mandriva provides an on-site Mandriva Mirror of all Mandriva solutions, including enterprise, consumer and updates.

Mandriva Academia - Academic Solution for Education!
Mandriva Academia is similar to the Mandriva Corporate Club, but understands the frequent funding limitations found in academic settings.
More information on Mandriva Academia can be found on the Mandriva Academia page.

Overview - Mandriva Corporate Club

The Mandriva Corporate Club allows both enterprise and business users to effectively manage their infrastructure and efficiently deploy Mandriva five year supported, enterprise software products. In quantities of 100 or more, Mandriva provides a Mandriva Mirror of all Mandriva solutions enabling enterprise users to deploy and update Mandriva using your secure internal network and avoiding limitations from downloading updates over the Internet. Mandriva Corporate Club is the convenient and financially conservative means to deploy a secure network for your servers and desktops.

As a Mandriva Corporate Club member, you will have unlimited access to Mandriva technologies to download and to deploy. The Mandriva Corporate Club portal provides a privileged contact point between you and Mandriva. The download section contains a set of professionals packages certified for Mandriva enterprise products and offers you the opportunity to share your request for new packages.

As a companion to the Mandriva Corporate Club, Mandriva offers consulting and support services.

Details of the Mandriva Corporate Club

The Mandriva Corporate Club offers you flexibility through:

Unlimited Downloads

  1. Early and unlimited access to our products, ISO images and packages.
  2. Local mirror of Mandriva Corporate products, for customer with 100 or more machines.
  3. Platinum access to the Mandriva Club.
  4. Access to exclusive professionals applications.
Mandriva Knowledge Access
  1. Technical articles and whitepapers.
  2. Early access to Mandriva Linux manuals and technical documentation through a unique online system that collects users' and developers' comments and suggestions to insure the best possible level of expertise.
  3. Full access to the Mandriva Club Knowledge Base.
Other Benefits
  1. Special discounts on Mandriva Store products, services and Mandriva Club memberships.
  2. Request enterprise solutions to be added to upcoming versions of Mandriva enterprise products.
  3. Priority contact with Mandriva for software, uspport or engineering issues.
  4. A monthly newsletter informs you of new features, available updates and Technology watch.
  5. Access to exclusive options, such as LPI certifications and discounts on others Mandriva products.
This program cover all i586 and x86-64 versions of our products


For additional information about joining the Mandriva Corporate Club, please contact Mandriva through any of our regional offices or at our Worldwide Headquaters.

The PDF description

Main - Welcome To The Mandriva Corporate Club
Version 1.4 last modified by Arkub on 05/08/2007 at 20:58

Mandriva Corporate Club

Creator: Arkub on 2007/05/09 23:50
(c) Mandriva