
Corporate Desktop 4 News

Second beta iso of Corporate Desktop 4
Published by Anne_0 on Wednesday, May 9 2007 @ 01:15:30 CEST
Here is second beta is for Corporate Desktop 4 on mirors:
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Why Choose Mandriva Corporate Desktop 4
Published by Anne_0 on Thursday, March 8 2007 @ 10:34:17 CET
The Mandriva Corporate Desktop 4 is the result of Mandriva's experience and dedication to improving the users desktop experience and from listening to the feedback from our corporate clients.
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Corporate Desktop 4 Beta Program Is Now Open
Published by Arkub on Tuesday, January 9 2007 @ 06:53:26 CET
Mandriva is pleased to announce the commencement of the Mandriva Corporate Desktop 4 (CD4) Beta Program. The CD4 beta program is open to business users seeking early access to the latest Mandriva enterprise technology. The program is designed to allow business users to test Mandriva on their hardware and with their software needs, and to collaborate with Mandriva's development team to insure stability and broad hardware support.
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CD4 - Corporate Desktop 4 News
Version 1.11 last modified by Arkub on 18/03/2007 at 17:53

Corporate Desktop 4 Beta

Creator: Arkub on 2007/01/09 18:35
(c) Mandriva