
Corporate Desktop 4 Beta Program Is Now Open


Mandriva is pleased to announce the commencement of the Mandriva Corporate Desktop 4 (CD4) Beta Program. The CD4 beta program is open to business users seeking early access to the latest Mandriva enterprise technology. The program is designed to allow business users to test Mandriva on their hardware and with their software needs, and to collaborate with Mandriva's development team to insure stability and broad hardware support.

Mandriva's Expectations

For registered testers in the CD4 beta program:

  • Install CD4 within three days and test it for a predetermined length of time;
  • Test on as many hardware configuration as possible;
  • Report bugs toward improving the use of CD4;
  • Retest updated ISOs that will be provided during the beta program;
  • Participate, report and share requests about CD4 using various tools (Forum, Contact Form, IRC meeting);
  • Answer survey questions (up to three surveys in 2 months) about your experience with CD4 and hardware compatibility; and
  • Provide feedback to Mandriva CD4 Product Team on reliability, stability, and readiness of product for marketplace.
What You Can Expect From Mandriva

In return for your registration and participation to the CD4 beta program, you may be eligible to receive;

  • Free licenses for one year for official Corporate Desktop 4.0 (depending on size of testing company and level of participation), and/or discounts on the Mandriva Corporate line of products (Corporate Server 4, Corporate Club, Pulse, etc.);
  • Early access to product code;
  • Involvement in development cycle, which includes the ability to influence the final code and submit enhancement requests prior to release;
  • More stable code due to multiple individuals testing in many environments;
  • Direct contact with the Development team, Product Management, Marketing, etc.;
  • Relationship-building opportunities with other registered clients for this program
  • Improved documentation; and
  • Resulting knowledge gained from participating in the beta test program.
Mandriva looks forward to working with you. Mandriva values your contribution, and your participation allows Mandriva to continue with delivering innovative open source technology to business users and to assist you with your open source goals and flexibility in management of your systems.

To register:

Mandriva Corporate Team

CD4 - Corporate Desktop 4 Beta Program Is Now Open
Version 1.26 last modified by Anne_0 on 09/05/2007 at 15:36

Comments (2)

georgesfiguet | 11.04.2007 at 10:29 AM
La corpo desk 4 est un produit complet. L'interface est bien pensée et surtout très ergonomique. configuration très rapidie à l'aide de fibric. Peut-être à regretter l'absence d'une interface gnome. Certains logiciels sont encore en phase d'amélioration voir d'adaptation tels (OpenSync avec Mozilla Sunbird,Les emulateur et la virtualisation). ceci dit la desk 4 regorge d'options et des possibilités. Bravo!

John Armstrong Armstrong | 09.05.2007 at 03:36 PM
Mandriva by far is the 'most' end user friendly interface out of the Linux playing field. Having spent the last 10yrs(+). of my career working solely on technical refresh projects (Windows deployments, desktop refresh and enterprise managment tools on networks with up to 100,000). Mandriva has a real chance of being competitive for the desktop arena compared to other flavors. Need to work on the CD installations… it is a misconception that corporations allow DVD players in or on end users desktops. Most do not for security and work issues (movies, large capacity recording of sensitive data). Excellent work! Keep it up, slight bug I need to report… what is up with the 'Elmer Fudd' language selection? Weally Funny!

Corporate Desktop 4 Beta

Creator: Arkub on 2007/01/09 18:53
(c) Mandriva